Principal Desk


"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education."

Martin Luther King, Jr.

As we embark upon another new academic session, the school and country is filled with hope for the future, ready to face the challenges head on and lead the baton of change. As our country takes upon a historic role of G20 presidency this year, with the theme of "One Earth. One Family. One Future". The school understands and appreciates that we are living in an increasingly border less world. We strive to create an environment that ensure that global citizens are created who shine in their lives beyond the school. The school moto "YOGA KARMASU KAUSHALAM", inspires us strive for excellence in every duty we undertake and functions as an inspiration to challenge our limits and identify the infinite potential implicit in every human being.

As the world undergoes rapid changes in the landscape of knowledge, the role of teacher, parent and student has undergone a sea change. NEP recommends education to must move towards less content and more towards learning about how to think critically and solve problems, how to be creative and multi disciplinary, and how to innovate, adapt, and absorb new material in novel and changing fields. This makes evolution of pedagogy a prime concern to make education more experiential, holistic, integrated, inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centred, discussion-based, flexible, and of course enjoyable. Here the teacher acts as a fulcrum to aid the students and parents to navigate the uncharted waters. Teacher and school as a facilitators can bring about major reforms that bring the highest quality, equity and integrity into the systems. We all move ahead together with embracing each one of our uniqueness and striving towards a just equitable and sustainable growth for the world.

"With the paradigms of education ever-changing, let's take the arc of history in our hands and build a better and safer tomorrow in imaginative and innovative ways".

With this I wish you all a successful year ahead.

Mrs. Nidhi Chaudhary




  • Click ACADEMICS -- Syllabus for Mid Term Examination Syllabus for classes KG - XII.

  • 1. Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell or exhibiting any symptoms of illness.
    2. Encourage your child to return home directly from school and avoid unnecessary delays.
    3. Advise your child to refrain from speaking to strangers and not to touch or pick up any stray or unclaimed objects they encounter on their way.